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Why Do I Need To Be A Kind Leader?

At Real Conversations Work, we’re big believers in the power of honest conversations, and we’re also believers in the power of kindness. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with negativity, we think it’s more important than ever to focus on the positive impact we can have on those around us. That’s why we’re here to talk about kind leadership, and how it can help make the world – and the workplace – a better place. 


So, what is kind leadership? 

Well, kindness is all about caring for others, and being gentle and generous. As a leader, that means prioritising the well-being of your team, showing empathy, and being considerate of their needs. 

It’s important to remember that it’s not about being a pushover or avoiding having real conversations it’s about treating people with respect and working together to create a positive and productive work environment.  

Of course, not everyone is naturally inclined to be a kind leader – especially in a world where aggression and competition are often seen as the keys to success. But we believe that there are some key traits that can help anyone become a more compassionate and effective leader. 


The traits of kind leadership include: 

  1. Being people-centric: Kind leaders put their team’s needs first. They take the time to get to know each individual, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and provide support and guidance where needed. 
  2. Being transparent: Kind leaders are open and honest in their communication. They share their vision and goals with their team and keep them informed about any changes or challenges that arise.
  3. Being purposeful: Kind leaders have a clear sense of mission and purpose, and they work to inspire and motivate their team to achieve that mission together. 


So, what are the benefits of kind leadership? 

Kindness helps to create a more positive and collaborative work environment. When people feel that they’re being treated with kindness and respect, they’re more likely to feel motivated, engaged, and productive. Studies have shown that simple acts of kindness – like giving compliments or showing genuine appreciation – can have a powerful impact on people’s well-being and job satisfaction.

But it’s not just about warm and fuzzy feelings – kind leadership also has real business benefits. When people feel valued and supported, they’re more likely to stick around and contribute to the success of the company. And when leaders prioritise people over profits, it can actually lead to better financial results in the long run.  

Gallup finds year after year in its surveys of US workers that “receiving a compliment, words of recognition and praise can help individuals feel more fulfilled, boost their self-esteem, improve their self-evaluations and trigger positive emotions.”

Surely this breeds productivity in teams and must be a good thing? 


Strength in kindness 

Now, we know that some people might be sceptical of kind leadership, but we firmly believe that there’s strength in kindness. It takes real courage to be vulnerable and empathetic, to put the needs of others first, and to build a culture of trust and support. 

So, if you’re ready to start incorporating more kindness into your leadership style, here are a few tips to get you started. 

How to practise kind leadership  

  1. Practise active listening:  Take the time to really listen to your team members and show that you value their ideas and input.
  2. Show appreciation: Take the time to recognise and celebrate the hard work and achievements of your team members.
  3. Be flexible: Recognise that everyone has different needs and styles and be willing to adapt your leadership approach accordingly. 
  4. Lead by example: Model the behaviour you want to see in your team and be willing to admit your own mistakes and vulnerabilities. 

At Real Conversations Work, we believe that kindness is the antidote we need to combat the negativity and division in our world. By prioritising compassion, empathy, and collaboration, we can create a more positive and productive work environment – and a better world for all of us.  

If you need a little help with being a kinder leader, get in touch today, we’d love to help. 

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